7 Days to Set a Foundation for Success: 

Ok so becoming a coach can be a little overwhelming at first - I know the feeling. You're SO excited to help others, work through your fitness program, share on social media, the list goes on. Below I have created a 7 Day Training that will give you some awesome basics in order to solidify your foundation. This is completely self-paced, remember you are the CEO of your own business - YOU get to decide your success & how hard you want to work! 

DAY 1: learning from the pros  

This video is from one of my favorite coaches - and she's actually a part of our upline team! Take notes, there's lots to be learned from this gal! 

This video talks about the basics and keeping this business simple! It is so important to stick with what we know and doing those vital behaviors. Coaching is NOT easy, but is IS simple. 

New Coach Basic Info: 

Day 2: Social media & sharing your journey 

Social media is how us coaches run our entire business. Creating authentic, genuine content for people to relate to and be inspired by is why I post. I have connected with the most amazing people from all over the world because of my vulnerability and decision to make my Instagram a place where people can get to know ME. 

*We'll go into more detail on how to create a successful social media following in the Social Media 101 page - For now, here are some basics that have helped me: 

Social Media Basics: 

1. SHARE your experience: what program are you doing, how are you feeling physically, emotionally, mentally. Think of your social media platforms as a place to document your life. 

Celebrate what makes you YOU: What are your favorite hobbies, what makes you different and unique, what do you love? You want to attract people who are like you, because those are the people you are going to work with! 

2. CONSISTENCY is key: Post a minimum of once a day - I know that sounds like a lot but creating that momentum is so vital. Your following will soon become the people you connect with, so you need a customer base that supports you!

3. BE YOU: It may be easier to post pictures of pretty sunsets or views from a mountain top, but make sure you are also posting pictures of you! People followed your account to see you! This was something that was super tough for me at first. I loved being artistic and capturing the most beautiful sunset, but I wasn't so sure about posting pictures of me. As coaches we are here to create relationships with people, and in order to do that people need to get to know who you are! My most engaging photos are always the ones with me in them. 

Day 3: Personal development 

Focusing on our physical health is vital to healthy body. But building up and exercising a healthy mind is also key. If you want to build a business, you have to be willing to educate yourself.

One of the vital behaviors as a coach is reading at minimum 10 minutes of personal development a day. This can be an inspirational book, podcast, video, etc. Something that is going to add value to your mind and start your day off right. I used to turn to my phone right when I woke up in the morning, now I turn to my PD book. It's the best way to start my day and I con honestly say it is THE most important thing I do each day. 

Below I have listed a few of my favorite reads. Pick one out for yourself! I also use the Amazon Audible app, so I can stream books and listen to them in the car. 

This was the first PD book I ever read - I highly recommend it! 

This is from the author of Eat Pray Love, it focuses on moving past our fear and using the creativity we all have inside us.

This is from the author of Eat Pray Love, it focuses on moving past our fear and using the creativity we all have inside us.

This is my current read! I am in love with the simplicity and straightforward attitude of this author. Awesome insight on how to apply what you've ready into every day life. If you struggle with time management or staying focused - I would high…

This is my current read! I am in love with the simplicity and straightforward attitude of this author. Awesome insight on how to apply what you've ready into every day life. If you struggle with time management or staying focused - I would highly recommend it!  

If you need a new routine or just feel like your life is super hectic and in need of some consistency - this book will create some awesome habits for you! 

If you need a new routine or just feel like your life is super hectic and in need of some consistency - this book will create some awesome habits for you! 

day 4: your websites as a coach: 

Ok so this is more boring, but it's vital! Your Coach Online office is your portal for all your orders, customer orders, and tracking your progress as a coach. You'll get more in depth training in this as your business grows, but for now here are some basics for you to set up. 

Your Beachbody Back Office: Get to know it and how to use it! Below are a couple of videos to walk you through it and show you where to find anything you need: Make sure to check out the other video links posted below this one! 

How to use FAQ database - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98ibmrqGLNI

Getting Others involved: There's a file in our team page that explains each step on how to get others signed up - but here is a helpful video! 
This is the way I signed you up - I think it's easiest for us to fill out what the challenger wants, and send them the link to complete it! Less room for error :) 

How to use the coach Mobile App: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQLJYf_mry4

day 5: The vital behaviors and tracking your business

day 6: creating and announcing your first accountability group 

Hosting a challenge group is your "open" sign as a coach. This is where we help people get results! Most of your coaches will come from these groups. My most successful coaches are the ones that have started out as challengers, loved the products and community, and decided they want to make an impact too! 

Challenge Group: I host a 21 Day challenge group every month. A challenge group can be a free or program-based group that you will create on your own, with another coach, or several other coaches. I love hosting my 21 Day Accountability groups with you all! It's more fun working together and the more challengers that are involved the more active the group will be.

You can find an entire 21 Day Template to use in the Coach Online Office: https://tbbcoach411.com/21df_daily_coaching_guide/
- Literally everything you need to host an amazing challenge group - but always remember to add in your personality and share things from your heart too! 

Free Groups: I host a free group at least once a month, if not twice - I look at these groups as a way to create relationships with people and show them my personality + prove to them that they can trust me! I am first and foremost here to show them that I can add value, and share any tips or tricks that I think would be helpful! 

Challenge groups typically are created in a private Facebook group and promoted on all forms of social media - I'm sure you've seen my posts about my 21 Day Group (we call these CTAs or Call to Action Posts).

Ideas for challenge groups can be:

  • 5 day clean eating accountability groups
  • Handstand / Yoga tips group
  • How to meal prep
  • A coach preview group
  • Crockpot recipe group
  • A round of the 21 day fix or another program
  • Possibilities are endless!

Today, think about a free group that you can run right now! Post about it and invite some friends to join. What are you good at? What is something you could share with people? It can be fitness related or not - but regardless it's awesome practice! 

Day 7: Month 1 goals - Success club & Emerald 

Success Club is a monthly reward system put in place by Beachbody that goes from the 1st of each new month through the last day of the month. Each time you share a Challenge Pack with someone you receive 2 success club points. These points represent lives being changed, SO much more than just a number. Watch the two videos below - The first one will talk about the basics, I'll share a little more about how I hit success club every month. 

Video #1: Success club & emerald rank


video #3: How i've hit success club every month