Social Media 101
Why are we doing this?
As a coach, we run our business entirely through social media. I fell in love with coaching when I realized I could make a difference in this world, using social media to do good! In this section you can find all the tips and tricks you need to create a rocking profile that will attract people just like you!
Task 1:
This is an easy task, but it's also important - We all hope to gain followers, but quantity of followers doesn’t really matter if you can’t convert them to a challenger and friend.
Who is your ideal follower? Describe him/her, keep that description in mind as you create posts. What is SHE passionate about? What does SHE do for fun? What does HER day to day life consist of?
task 2:
What do you represent - BRANDING
Branding yourself and your social media presence is key in building a following that know you, and feels like they can connect with you.
Today we will be picking 3 - 5 areas that best represent you. WHY? People love consistency & a story. It makes it easier and more interesting to follow someone's story when there’s a theme. This will help you attract people who are just like you! What are 5 things that interest you? What do you LOVE, what are you PASSIONATE about? What makes you...YOU? If you think you can kill it with less areas (minimum 3, then just choose 3). Think back to the activity from yesterday on your “ideal” follower - this is where you can find your brand!
*Try to keep Health / Fitness / Clean eating as only ONE of your brands.
My brands:
Yoga (meditation/mindfulness)
Health & Fitness
These brands are NOT set in stone and as you grow, they will change - but identifying your brand gives your platform a theme which is how we relate to others - and makes others want to follow us! There’s an awesome National Wake-up Call by Amy Silverman about the importance of reinventing yourself every 6 months to a year. Check it out for PD ;)
Identify your 5 brands
Task 3: Identifying your platforms:
Deciding what social media platforms to use is pretty simple. I highly suggest utilizing Instagram & a Facebook Like Page.
I know a lot of people assume making a website is the most important. A website can be great and full of awesome content - if you can get people to go there. The great thing about Facebook and Instagram is that people are already on those platforms. All you have to do is show up too!
Why both?
Instagram is an awesome place to attract new people and get them engaged in what your represent and following your story. Your Facebook like page is going to be more personal: It's where you can share live videos, post glimpses of your day, and connect with the people that you meet off of Instagram.
Your FB Like Page will be linked to your Instagram account - imagine your Like Page as your website!
task 4: hashtags
Creating a list of hashtags that you can post along with your Instagram pictures helps your photo be seen on different news feeds. If you don't use hashtags you are only posting your picture on your feed, and for the people that follow you. Using specific and targeted hashtags has worked wonders for my business!
I save a list of 25 hashtags in the notes section of my phone - and copy and paste it into my picture that I'm posting every time I post a pic on Instagram.
You should ALL be posting the #teamfighttofinish & #TeamRootToRise hashtags - and one day you’ll have your own hashtag to use! Have any ideas of what you want your team name to be? Include it in your list! This is something not to stress out about--you don’t really need a team name until you are diamond, but start talking out loud about the people you have/want on your team. Your team name should encompass them and their goals alongside your mission.
Some things to consider when choosing your hashtags:
● Relate to your specific brand
● Under 150,000 posts attached to the hashtag - if it’s too common of a hashtag (ex. #love) your picture will getdrowned out in a matter of seconds.
● Are not just Beachbody related - remember, we are trying to attract NEW people who are not familiar with our community. Hashtagging the #21dayfix, #shakeology, #beachbody etc., will attract people who are already doing the program - and probably already have a coach ;) aka not your target market or anything you want to waste your power hour searching through
Action Item: create your own list of hashtags! This takes a bit of time, but be diligent and intentional about it - they really do help!
task 5: the basics
As a coach, it is important for people to know you are approachable and here to help others! If you were to stumble upon your own Facebook or Instagram - would people know that you are a coach? Would they know that you can & want to help them?
*Instagram - switch your account to a business account - this will incorporate a contact button on your bio, it will also give you an option to connect your FB Like Page in the URL section when editing your bio.
This will also provide you with an insights tab - make sure to utilize it! It’s the little bars at the top of your account!
Update your bio on your chosen platforms and include:
A CLEAR up-close photo of your face for your profile pic. Only 1 person should be in the picture.
Your name (if it’s not clearly included in your Instagram handle) & Intro about you - maybe list a couple of your brands - get creative! (Type it out in your notes section of your phone first.)
Something that tells people you are into health & wellness - and that you are available to HELP them. Examples:
Fitness Guru
Health & Wellness Coach
Virtual Health Coach
Feel free to check out these profiles as awesome examples: @happyhealthyhumble @jaimeinnis
FACE BOOK Like Page:
Here's an awesome tutorial for FB Like pages and why they're important: